Ulysses at the limit of anthropocentrism: El Banquete de Severo Arcángelo as sequel to Adán Buenosayres


  • Norman Cheadle Laurentian University (Canadá)




Leopoldo Marechal, Dante, Ulysses, Anthropocentrism


This article postulates that Leopoldo Marechal’s first two novels, from 1948 and 1965 respectively, have a thematic commonality that comes into focus thanks to two minor characters who share an intertextual antecedent in the figure of Ulysses as portrayed in Canto 26 of Dante’s Inferno. A comparative analysis of the construction of each of these characters, as well as their function in their respective novels, throws some light on the evolution of Marechal’s novelistic vision and his exploration of the limits of anthropocentrism.


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How to Cite

Cheadle, N. (2024). Ulysses at the limit of anthropocentrism: El Banquete de Severo Arcángelo as sequel to Adán Buenosayres. Letras, (88), 34–55. https://doi.org/10.46553/LET.88.2023.p34-55