Rubén Darío : humanism and prophecy


  • Graciela Maturo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Rubén Darío, Humanism, Mystery, Beauty, Bard


Ruben Dario had arrived in Buenos Aires from his native Momotombo, as a conscious joint of worlds, separated in time and space: he carried news of old trees and new burgeons to the cultural community of South America, for which he felt curiously attracted. He was a sacred bard, oblivious to the solemnity that others bestow on the dimension of sacredness. It belonged to a new and old way of experiencing the Christianity, linked to the Christian-Greek humanism and to the modernist movement of Alfred Loisy, who proposed the updated reading of the Bible, the free interpretation and crossing of texts, cultures and traditions in the crucible of a new wave that was misunderstood by the Church and even by some poets.


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How to Cite

Maturo, G. (2019). Rubén Darío : humanism and prophecy. Letras, (76), 89–98. Retrieved from