Towards a mystical poetic canon on key theological aesthetic. Validity of the figure in the center as expectation of the Other


  • Cecilia Inés Avenatti de Palumbo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Theological Aesthetics, Nuptiality, Postmodernism, Enrique Solinas, Hans Urs von Balthasar


From the epistemological framework of interdisciplinarity between literature, aesthetics and theology article suggests thinking of theological aesthetics in a relational circularity, since the mystical key to nuptiality as the current home of the expectation of you. To test this hypothesis, the article is divided into two parts: the first develops the theoretical fundamentals of nuptiality as a dynamic center of theological aesthetics located in the postmodern context of the expectation of the other; in the second, the applicability of the canonical poetic figure in the center is shown from the figures derived from expectation, home and nuptiality. 


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How to Cite

Avenatti de Palumbo, C. I. (2019). Towards a mystical poetic canon on key theological aesthetic. Validity of the figure in the center as expectation of the Other. Letras, (69-70), 35–46. Retrieved from