
  • Martín Miguel Monedero Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Common good - Punishment of crime - National Constitution - Ius puniendi.


The purpose of this work is to sustain the constitutional legitimacy of the ius puniendi, for which its anchorage in the political common good as the end of the political community is emphasized. With this goal in mind, it delves into the understanding of the concept of the common good, its specific content and its guiding function for the activity of the entire political community and, therefore, for the Law; then it develops how, within that common good, the punishment of crimes –in its proper sense– is an essential component and, finally, the National Constitution is analyzed to show that it is heir of that tradition of philosophical and legal thought that knew how to shape the Christian West.


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Author Biography

Martín Miguel Monedero, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogado (Universidad del Museo Social Argentino). Especialista en Derecho Penal (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Profesor Asistente de Derecho Penal Parte Especial, Taller de Oratoria y Argumentación Jurídica y Taller de Análisis de Jurisprudencia (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). Alumno del Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina).


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How to Cite

Monedero, M. M. (2021). THE COMMON GOOD, THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION AND THE PUNISHMENT OF CRIMES. Forum, (12), 131–156. Retrieved from



Parte I - Artículos de Investigación