The portrait of Sabina in the gens Volusia villa between self-celebration and family self-recognition


  • Armando Cristilli Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'


Vibia Sabina, Lucus Feroniae, Volusii Saturnini, Roman portrait, Roman history, Trajan


This paper focuses on the Vibia Sabina’s marble portrait, among the others one founded in the gens Volusia villa at Lucus Feroniae. This portrait has been placed to celebrate the important local event in 106 AD, confirming the ideological role that the suburban mansion played in the history of Volusii Saturnini with an explicit message of self-congratulation and self-knowledge.


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How to Cite

Cristilli, A. (2021). The portrait of Sabina in the gens Volusia villa between self-celebration and family self-recognition. De Rebus Antiquis, (9), 1–18. Retrieved from


