Process Implementation in Post-editing to Ensure Quality in Translation


  • Gabriela Escarrá Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Dolores Guiñazú Universidad del Salvador, Albany University in New York

Palabras clave:

machine translation (MT), post-editing (PE), quality in translation, ISO 18578, artificial intelligence (AI)


The translation profession is constantly evolving and becoming more technological to meet the needs of the increasing demand for translation and localization services. The focus should not be on when human linguists will become obsolete, but rather on the competences needed to face this challenge. Thus, the improvement in the quality of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Translation and Machine Translation (MT) are taking over the forefront of technological advances and have compelled translators to adapt to new environments and to learn and adjust their own processes and requirements. To that purpose, it is imperative for Translation Service Providers (TSP) and linguists in general to learn and apply quality processes stipulated by ISO standards on Translation, Post-Editing, Terminography and Information Security Management System (ISMS).


Biografía del autor/a

Gabriela Escarrá, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Gabriela Escarrá is a Certified Legal Translator (UNLP), English and Literature Teacher (UNLP), and ISO 27001 Internal Auditor. She is a member of the ISO member body in Argentina. She has two certifications from TAUS. She works as a translator, editor, post-editor and transcreator, and has been lecturing on quality management, international quality standards, and post-editing worldwide.

Dolores Guiñazú, Universidad del Salvador, Albany University in New York

Dolores R. Guiñazú is a Certified Legal Translator and Copyeditor. Dolores is ISO 27001:2013 Internal Auditor and is an active member of IRAM (ISO) on Translation & Interpreting. She holds an MBA in marketing management She has two certifications from TAUS in post-editing and transcreation. She has been lecturing on quality management, international quality standards, and post-editing worldwide.


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Cómo citar

Escarrá, G., & Guiñazú, D. (2021). Process Implementation in Post-editing to Ensure Quality in Translation. Bridging Cultures, (6), 171–181. Recuperado a partir de


