Life that Overcomes Death:

The Christian Hope Celebrated in the Verses by Little Angel






In this article I present the methodological aspects involved in a contextual theology exercise on an inculturated expression of faith: the verses by little angel. For this purpose, I begin by presenting the material object of study, from its ritual context and its poetic-musical particularities. Then, I state the theological perspective from which I study these verses, an approach that grants theological value to the people and their culture. Thirdly, I explain the theoretical-methodological tools that make it possible to access the meaning-producing infrastructure in the verses by little angel, respecting their own cultural categories. Finally, a brief approach to the results derived from this exercise is offered, with a view to a theological articulation with the deposit of faith.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Sepúlveda Hernaiz, Faculty of Theology. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

In this article I present the methodological aspects involved in a contextual theology exercise on an inculturated expression of faith: the verses by little angel. For this purpose, I begin by presenting the material object of study, from its ritual context and its poetic-musical particularities. Then, I state the theological perspective from which I study these verses, an approach that grants theological value to the people and their culture. Thirdly, I explain the theoretical-methodological tools that make it possible to access the meaning-producing infrastructure in the verses by little angel, respecting their own cultural categories. Finally, a brief approach to the results derived from this exercise is offered, with a view to a theological articulation with the deposit of faith


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How to Cite

Sepúlveda Hernaiz, J. P. (2023). Life that Overcomes Death: : The Christian Hope Celebrated in the Verses by Little Angel. Teología, 60(141), 107–126.


