Human Development and Social Inclusion in an Urbanizing World: Introduction to the special issue


  • Ann Mitchell Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Palabras clave:

Human development, capability approach, social inclusion, urbanization, Latin America


This introduction to the special issue on the theme of Human Development and Capabilities begins by explaining key concepts of the capability approach and presenting examples of how the approach has been applied to the analysis of urban development issues. It then summarizes the four articles and two book reviews that comprise the issue. Common themes highlighted in this issue include the territorial dimension of poverty and inequality in Latin America, the challenges to assessing multidimensional poverty and social exclusion in the face of data limitations and the importance of participatory methods in research.



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Bucheli, F. (2018). “Mapping Marginal Youth: Quality of Life and Spatial Exclusion in Bogota”. Presentado en la Conferencia de la Human Development and Capability Association (30 de agosto – 1 de septiembre 2018), Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Clausen, J., Vargas, S. y Barrantes, N. (2018). “Do official multidimensional poverty measures in Latin America reflect the priorities of people living in poverty?” Ensayos de Política Económica, 2(6), 15-34.

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Deneulin, S. (2014). “Crear ciudades más justas para la vida. Una combinación del derecho a la ciudad y el enfoque de las capacidades”. En Suarez, A. L., Mitchell, A. y Lépore, E. (eds.) Las villas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Territorios frágiles de inclusión social (pp. 253-281). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Educa.

Deneulin, S., Clausen, J. y Valencia, A. (eds.) (2018). Introducción al enfoque de las capacidades: Aportes para el Desarrollo Humano en América Latina. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Manantial

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Frediani, A. y Hansen, J. (2015). “The Capability Approach and Development Planning and Urban Design”. DPU Working papers Special Issue, University College London.

Glaeser, E. (2011). Triumph of the City: How Our Best Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier, New York: Penguin Press.

Krüger, N. y Formichella, M. M. (2018). “Oportunidades educativas reducidas para niños y jóvenes en barrios informales de Bahía Blanca, Argentina”. Ensayos de Política Económica, 2(6), 71-92.

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Muzzini, E., Eraso Puig, B., Anapolsky, S., Lonnberg, T. y Mora, V. (2017).

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Cómo citar

Mitchell, A. (2019). Human Development and Social Inclusion in an Urbanizing World: Introduction to the special issue. Ensayos De Política Económica, 2(6), 1–14. Recuperado a partir de