Temporary disaggregation of economic series with linear programming


  • Luis Frank Universidad de Buenos Aires


temporal disaggregation, interpolation, reconciliation, National Accounts


The article presents a method for temporal disaggregation of time series that combines the interpolation of the low-frequency data with one or more related high-frequency series. The disaggregated series is essentially the solution to a linear program that minimizes the sum of absolute deviations with the low-frequency series and high-frequency benchmark series. The method is useful for reconciling low-frequency series with high-frequency related series when these contain outliers, missing data, or even when they have different frequencies. The new method is tested by disaggregating the quarterly industrial GVA series with the industrial component of the Monthly Estimator of Economic Activity.


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How to Cite

Frank, L. (2019). Temporary disaggregation of economic series with linear programming. Ensayos De Política Económica, 3(1), 59–82. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/ENSAYOS/article/view/2283